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Featuring: Jewish Ambler Pennsylvania - Join Our Free Singles Site Now!

Jewish Ambler Pennsylvania - Meet them 100% Free!

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Feature Members who have just joined up:

Looking for a nice guy

Age 52 From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania - Online Yesterday
Woman Seeking A Man (166 Miles Away)

Open-minded, easy-going nice lady with very kind personality.

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Looking for a Friend for Life

Age 54 From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania - Online Yesterday
Woman Seeking A Man (166 Miles Away)

Sports loving, fun loving, great listener, enjoys many activities. Dog lover.

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super spontaneous sister

Age 35 From Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - Online Yesterday
Woman Seeking A Man (422 Miles Away)

Hi! I'm Alison and I'm excited to meet you. I'm an optimistic and fun loving teacher, friend, sister, and lady! I have enjoyed living abroad and enjoy cooking, speaking and learning different languages, and spending time with friends and family. I...

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Jewish Princess seeking her Prince

Age 41 From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania - Online Today
Woman Seeking A Man (156 Miles Away)

I am a certified massage therapist and have my own business. I have been a cmt for two years already. I am also a believer in Y'shua and I love him immensly!

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Go Flyers!

Age 36 From Cheltenham, Pennsylvania - Online Now
Woman Seeking A Man (418 Miles Away)

I enjoy running and playing soccer. I love the Philly sports teams. I read a lot and I like to just sit back, relax, and enjoy a cup of coffee. There's much more, but if you want to know, just ask.

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Great Chat room for Jewish Ambler Pennsylvania!

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